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Developer guide

How to implement a custom entry?


Every entry in builtin rk-boot implement Entry interface in rk-entry package.

// Entry interface which must be implemented for bootstrapper to bootstrap
type Entry interface {
    // Bootstrap entry

    // Interrupt entry
    // Wait for shutdown signal and wait for draining incomplete procedure

    // Get name of entry
    GetName() string

    // Get type of entry
    GetType() string

    // Get description of entry
    GetDescription() string

    // print entry as string
    String() string

Quick start#

An entry could be any kinds of services or pieces of codes which needs to be bootstrap/initialized while application starts.

A third party entry could be implemented and inject to rk-boot via boot.yaml file.

How to create a new custom entry?

  1. Construct your own entry YAML struct as needed

  2. Create a struct which implements Entry interface

  3. Implements EntryRegFunc

  4. Register your reg function in init() in order to register your entry while application starts

How entry interact with rk-boot.Bootstrapper?

  1. Entry will be created and registered into rkentry.GlobalAppCtx

  2. Bootstrap will be called from Bootstrapper.Bootstrap() function

  3. Application will wait for shutdown signal

  4. Interrupt will be called from Bootstrapper.Interrupt() function

1.Implement Entry#

type MyEntry struct {
    EntryName        string                    `json:"entryName" yaml:"entryName"`
    EntryType        string                    `json:"entryType" yaml:"entryType"`
    EntryDescription string                    `json:"entryDescription" yaml:"entryDescription"`

func (entry *MyEntry) Bootstrap(context.Context) {}

func (entry *MyEntry) Interrupt(context.Context) {}

func (entry *MyEntry) GetName() string {
    return entry.EntryName

func (entry *MyEntry) GetType() string {
    return entry.EntryType

func (entry *MyEntry) GetDescription() string {
    return entry.EntryDescription

func (entry *MyEntry) String() string {
    bytes, _ := json.Marshal(entry)
    return string(bytes)

2.Create bootstrapper config#

This structure will match myEntry section in boot.yaml file

// A struct which is for unmarshalled YAML
type BootConfig struct {
    MyEntry struct {
        Enabled     bool   `yaml:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
        Name        string `yaml:"name" json:"name"`
        Description string `yaml:"description" json:"description"`
    } `yaml:"myEntry" json:"myEntry"`
  enabled: true
  name: "xxx"
  descriptin: "xxx"

3.Implements EntryRegFunc#

Although we only need RegisterMyEntriesFromConfig() function, we strongly recommend implementing as bellow in order to run our entry from code either.

func RegisterMyEntriesFromConfig(raw []byte) map[string]rkentry.Entry {
res := make(map[string]rkentry.Entry)

// 1: decode config map into boot config struct
config := &BootConfig{}
rkentry.UnmarshalBootYAML(raw, config)

// 3: construct entry
if config.MyEntry.Enabled {
entry := RegisterMyEntry(
res[entry.GetName()] = entry

return res

func RegisterMyEntry(opts ...MyEntryOption) *MyEntry {
entry := &MyEntry{
EntryName:        "default",
EntryType:        "MyEntry",
EntryDescription: "Please contact maintainers to add description of this entry.",

for i := range opts {

if len(entry.EntryName) < 1 {
entry.EntryName = "my-default"

if len(entry.EntryDescription) < 1 {
entry.EntryDescription = "Please contact maintainers to add description of this entry."


return entry

type MyEntryOption func(*MyEntry)

func WithName(name string) MyEntryOption {
return func(entry *MyEntry) {
entry.EntryName = name

func WithDescription(description string) MyEntryOption {
return func(entry *MyEntry) {
entry.EntryDescription = description

4.Create init() function#

Register your reg function in init() in order to register your entry while application starts

func init() {

5.Full example#


  enabled: true
  name: my-entry
  description: "This is my entry."
package main

import (

func main() {
  // Create a new boot instance.
  boot := rkboot.NewBoot()

  // Bootstrap

  fmt.Println(rkentry.GlobalAppCtx.GetEntry("MyEntry", "my-entry"))

  // Wait for shutdown sig

func init() {

type BootConfig struct {
  MyEntry struct {
    Enabled     bool   `yaml:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
    Name        string `yaml:"name" json:"name"`
    Description string `yaml:"description" json:"description"`
  } `yaml:"myEntry" json:"myEntry"`

func RegisterMyEntriesFromConfig(raw []byte) map[string]rkentry.Entry {
  res := make(map[string]rkentry.Entry)

  // 1: decode config map into boot config struct
  config := &BootConfig{}
  rkentry.UnmarshalBootYAML(raw, config)

  // 3: construct entry
  if config.MyEntry.Enabled {
    entry := RegisterMyEntry(
    res[entry.GetName()] = entry

  return res

func RegisterMyEntry(opts ...MyEntryOption) *MyEntry {
  entry := &MyEntry{
    EntryName:        "default",
    EntryType:        "MyEntry",
    EntryDescription: "Please contact maintainers to add description of this entry.",

  for i := range opts {

  if len(entry.EntryName) < 1 {
    entry.EntryName = "my-default"

  if len(entry.EntryDescription) < 1 {
    entry.EntryDescription = "Please contact maintainers to add description of this entry."


  return entry

type MyEntryOption func(*MyEntry)

func WithName(name string) MyEntryOption {
  return func(entry *MyEntry) {
    entry.EntryName = name

func WithDescription(description string) MyEntryOption {
  return func(entry *MyEntry) {
    entry.EntryDescription = description

type MyEntry struct {
  EntryName        string `json:"entryName" yaml:"entryName"`
  EntryType        string `json:"entryType" yaml:"entryType"`
  EntryDescription string `json:"entryDescription" yaml:"entryDescription"`

func (entry *MyEntry) Bootstrap(context.Context) {}

func (entry *MyEntry) Interrupt(context.Context) {}

func (entry *MyEntry) GetName() string {
  return entry.EntryName

func (entry *MyEntry) GetDescription() string {
  return entry.EntryDescription

func (entry *MyEntry) GetType() string {
  return entry.EntryType

func (entry *MyEntry) String() string {
  bytes, _ := json.Marshal(entry)
  return string(bytes)


$ go run main.go
{"entryName":"my-entry","entryType":"myEntry","entryDescription":"This is my entry."}